6 Tips For Tackling Overwhelm as an Entrepreneur

6 tips for tackling overwhelm as an entrepreneur

We know that seasons of change and growth can be stressful.

With growth comes new challenges and, although change is exciting, the challenges that come with it can be very overwhelming. 

For the past months, we've been working to push past the looming feeling of overwhelm and get out of our funk. Since we know this is a busy season for everyone, we thought you may benefit from a few tips on how to handle overwhelm as well. 

Here are 6 things we tried that helped us reset our mindset and overcome feelings of worry, doubt, and overwhelm:


Change your perspective from focusing on negative things that you're worried about in your life/business to focus on the good things that make you uniquely qualified for what you do best.

Make a list of at least 3 things that you are GREAT at. Are you a great leader? Are you a fantastic artist? Do you make your clients feel heard and understood?Anytime you catch yourself dwelling on how terrible you are at accounting in your business, stop, appreciate the things you’re great at, and then make a plan to improve on the thing you don’t feel great about.

Also, pinpointing what you’re “bad” at may lead to the realization that you’re ready to hire a team member to help you complete those tasks.


We often feel overwhelmed when looking at our long to-do lists, trying to figure out where to start. Save yourself the struggle by taking a minute or two to organize your tasks at the beginning of your day by what is most important/due first, to what is due last.

We love using Trello to organize our tasks and to-do lists, checking them off as we go, and tasks disappear from our list when completed. This helps us feel more at peace having a clear direction when starting our days.


This is another mindset shifting practice that really helps us stay grounded and focus on the good. Any time you feel overwhelmed about something, try to find something else to be thankful for and shift your perspective.

For example, we've had a very busy month so far. It's stressful sometimes when we're trying to keep projects on schedule and do all the things, but then we remind ourselves: We are grateful for the opportunity to have so many great clients and a calendar full of projects. We are thankful for this busy season that supports us and our families financially.


If your body could speak, what would it tell you? Would it tell you to sleep? To eat more greens? To stretch? Sit and do a mental scan of your body and do a little self check-in. Often times when we are feeling overwhelmed, our bodies suffer a bit, whether that’s from lack of sleep or poor nutrition, yet we ignore what it’s telling us.

If your body is craving some nutritious foods instead of cereal for breakfast, make yourself a fruit smoothie for breakfast tomorrow. If your body needs sleep, make a plan to go to bed earlier tonight.

If your body feels tense, stretch or go for a walk in between meetings this week. Each little change you make to take care of your body will ultimately help ease the overwhelm going on in your mind.


Occasionally we hit a point as entrepreneurs where we’re on the brink of burn out. This often occurs when we’re swamped with client projects and social obligations during the holidays that seem to take all of our time and energy.

To prevent yourself from burning out, we recommend a mental health day once every week or bi-weekly. Take a half or full day off work, if possible (and it is possible), and spend time doing something that FUELS you and reignites your energy and creativity.

Our team at Foxtrot Branding likes to spend half of our Wednesday’s each week as a mental/creative health day. On these mental health days, we spend time doing things other than client work, like doing a module of a business course we’re enrolled in, working on a personal creative project and writing blog posts.

Or, we just do something completely un-related to work like cleaning our houses, running errands, grabbing lunch with a friend, etc.Anything that helps you slow down and relax your creative entrepreneur brain is fair game on your mental health day, and it seriously helps aid in minimizing overwhelm and preventing burn out.


Sometimes we all just need a little pick me up. Pick up the phone or go out for lunch with someone in your circle who helps inspire you, lift you up, calm you down, or give you the kick in the butt you need. Having trouble dealing with overwhelm concerning specifically entrepreneurship?

Grab coffee with a fellow entrepreneur who gets what you’re going through. Or join a Facebook community full of people who you can vent to and get advice from. Just need some comfort in this busy time?

Talk with your best friend, partner, or family member who always is there to listen to and support you. Don’t have a strong community right now? We know it’s hard. Try searching for local communities of likeminded entrepreneurs in your area to connect with, or hey, start your own community if one doesn’t exist!

Having a community of people who love you and know what you’re going through is vital to your survival as an entrepreneur in busy seasons.

We’re here to uplift and support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Cassidy Phillips

Hi, I’m Cass, Lead Web Designer at Foxtrot Branding. I absolutely love getting to help passionate business owners create messaging and website designs that beautifully articulate how amazing their brand is.

I specialize in designing strategic Squarespace and Shopify websites with eye-catching designs and clear messaging.


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